With the current state of the world, it’s no surprise that you’re looking for ways to be sustainable in everyday life. Although it may not feel like it, if we collectively make the effort to find small ways to be sustainable we can make a big difference to help planet Earth.
Here at Make Waves, sustainability isn’t just something we say, it’s something we do. When we were designing our products, we obviously wanted a product that worked, but we also wanted to do it in an eco-friendly way. That’s why we have a circular supply chain that’s fully UK-based to reduce carbon emissions. We also only use 100% recycled materials to make both our refill capsules and our applicators, so we don’t put any new material into the world. And the best bit? Our sustainability efforts even led us to win Marie Claire’s Sustainability Award!
So, when it comes to sustainability, we know what we’re talking about. Our team prides itself on its environmentally friendly lifestyle which is why we’ve picked their brains so you can discover how to be sustainable in over 30 ways.
There's no time like the present, so let's begin!
Ways to be sustainable in the bathroom
Avoid single-use plastics
You’ve probably heard this one before, but for good reason! Each year, the deodorant industry alone produces over 15 million pounds of plastic waste - just think about all the other single-use plastics in your bathroom:
Deodorant / Antiperspirant
Hand wash
Shower gel
The list goes on and on! Just think of all that plastic… Therefore, making the switch to refillable items - like our natural antiperspirant or deodorant - can help you cut back and do your bit for the planet.
If you’re interested in making the swap to sustainable deodorant or antiperspirant, shop our products today!
Eco-cleaning products
If you’re looking for ways to be more sustainable, you should consider switching to eco-friendly cleaning products. Typically, these products use plant-based and biodegradable ingredients rather than the usual petrochemicals.
With this in mind, when the ingredients break down they don’t leave any harmful chemicals in waterways or even the soil! This means environmentally friendly cleaning products create less pollution in our water.
How to be sustainable when travelling
Use public transportation
How often do you consider taking public transport? Be realistic… We recognise just how easy it is to jump in the car to quickly get your errands sorted but these little trips soon add up.
Next time you have a number of errands to run in town, why not consider getting the bus? Or, if you commute to work, could you get the train? Not only will you be doing your bit for sustainability, but you will also save money and think of all that extra time you’ll get back!
Enough to watch another episode of your favourite show, dive into the next chapter of your book, or get that long list of admin boxed off.
Reduce plane travel
We all know how lovely it is to jet off to a lovely, sunny place for a little bit of rest and relaxation. However, plane travel is terrible for the environment. So much so that in 2019 aviation released 147 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) - that much pollution in one year alone!
If jetting off on holiday is something few and far between for you and your family, please don’t worry too much about it. But if you’re constantly flying across the country, maybe for work, is it possible to reduce how often you’re out of the country?
You can always ask your company if they could introduce a scheme to offset the carbon emissions if reducing plane travel isn’t possible. That way, you can still do your job to the best of your ability whilst also doing your bit for the planet.
Choose an electric car
If you can’t quite get on board with using public transport, why not upgrade to an electric car? There are multiple sustainable benefits to choosing this type of vehicle, such as:
Zero tailpipe emissions
Lower greenhouse gas emissions
Improve the quality of air
Lower running costs
Energy efficient
With all of these benefits, this is definitely one way of doing your bit for the planet to consider!
Walk rather than drive
Of course, the easiest way to be sustainable when travelling is by walking. It’s always the simplest things… Not only is walking good for you but walking can help save the planet thanks to the lack of emissions released by other transportation methods.
Opt for a car share
We know it's not always possible, but if you have co-workers who live close to you, maybe consider car-sharing. If you've never heard of it, the basis is simple. Rather than you both taking a car to work, only one of you drives to work and the other is picked up!
Ridesharing is probably something you already do with your family to meals or events, so why not extend the invitation to your colleagues?
Ways to be sustainable in the kitchen
Everyone knows how important it is to recycle, but how many people actually do it? We understand that it can be confusing and overwhelming to begin with, but once you get the hang of what goes into what coloured bin or box, it can make a huge difference to the planet.
You can recycle numerous things, such as:
Paper/ cardboard
Glass bottles
Garden waste
Metal tins
Another thing that can be recycled at home is our antiperspirant/ deodorant refill capsules! We designed them so they can be popped into your household recycling to create a circular system.
Reduce food waste
Did you know that households in the UK produce around 9.5 million tonnes of food waste? That’s a lot of food being thrown away.
A simple way to reduce food waste is to plan your meals for the week and use your ingredients in multiple ways so they all get used up. If that sounds too complicated, there are apps and blogs that offer meal plans for the week that you can follow.
Opt for more veggie meals
Typically, animal-based foods take more production and, hence, energy to reach our shelves. The opposite is true for vegetables. We understand that becoming a vegetarian or vegan can seem overwhelming, so why not opt for meat-free Mondays?
Originally a government campaign, dedicating one day a week to completely vegetarian meals can be a simple way to do your bit for the planet. And who knows? You may love it so much that you become completely meat-free!
Use reusable cups and water bottles
It’s no secret that plastic pollution is a huge problem all around the world. Just think how many plastic cups everyone goes through with water bottles, fizzy drinks, and cups of coffee every day!
Lots of coffee shops have incentives that drop the price of a takeaway coffee if you bring your own reusable cup, so that’s one for avid coffee drinkers to keep in mind.
You can even get bottles and mugs that keep either your water super cold or hot drink nice and toasty for the entire day. Either way, a reusable cup or bottle is the way to go!
Grow your own fruits, vegetables, and herbs
We’ve already discussed how much better vegetables are for the environment than animal products, but why not take it one step further and grow your own veg?
There’s so much pride in growing your own vegetables and you could also attempt fruit and herbs. Some easy first-time options include:
Spending time outside can have numerous benefits to your health also so this is a win-win situation!
Avoid palm oil
You’ve probably heard a lot of kerfuffles about palm oil recently. That is because to acquire this common food ingredient, it requires deforestation and subsequently the destruction of numerous habitats.
Obviously, deforestation can have a detrimental effect on the environment as it reduces the amount of CO2 that can be absorbed by the trees. Therefore, avoiding products with this ingredient is a simple way to help the planet.
We know what you’re thinking: Who has the time to compost? Well, it’s actually not that complicated or time-consuming. All you need to do is pop the items into a bin and let time work its magic!
This way, you can add any food scraps that would’ve gone to landfill into the compost bin instead to create wonderful soil. Plus, in the long-term, this creates carbon-rich soil that is beneficial not only to your plants but also to the planet as it absorbs even more excess CO2.
How to use your appliances sustainably
Change to energy-efficient light bulbs
Yes, these really exist! Rather than some of the electrical energy being used as heat, energy-efficient light bulbs convert as much of the power to light as possible using less energy.
Not only can this save you money, but it can help save the planet. Plus, they have a much longer lifespan than traditional bulbs - an easy way to be sustainable!
Be mindful of energy usage
Are you someone who leaves the light on in every room? Keeps the telly on despite being in a different area of the house? It doesn’t seem like a big deal, but these things can really eat away at energy usage when they don’t need to.
The solution? It’s simple. Just turn off your lights or TV when you leave that room. Yeah, it really is that easy!
Use your appliances less
Speaking of your television, one way to be more sustainable is to reduce how much you use your appliances. We don’t just mean appliances like the TV or a radio. But also be mindful of how many times you use the dishwasher or washing machine.
You could have shorter showers to save water and energy consumption. Plus, on those lovely summer days, why not hang your washing out to dry rather than use your tumble dryer?
These decisions can help you do your bit for the planet and save you some money at the same time!
Turn switches off
Look, we recognise that this can be annoying! However, turning off switches can make a huge impact on sustainability. This is because you stop your appliance from wasting electricity as they’re not on standby mode.
By switching them off fully, you stop any energy that is needed for them to run, which can reduce harmful emissions.
Some examples of things to switch off fully are:
Phone or laptop chargers
Kitchen appliances like kettles and toasters
Sustainable shopping advice
Shop second-hand for clothing
There’s nothing quite like having a brand-new outfit, but at what cost? It’s not just your wallet… We all like having a new top or jacket to wear and you can still get that when you opt for second-hand shopping.
The increasing popularity of online second-hand sites like Depop and Vinted has made it easier than ever before to shop sustainably.
Currently, in the UK, 350,000 tonnes of wearable clothes go to landfill each year - that’s more than £140 million worth of clothing! As you can see, this is a big problem for sustainability. Therefore, shopping second-hand can make more of a difference than you think.
Say goodbye to fast fashion
With the above information in mind, maybe now is the right time to say goodbye to fast fashion. There’s that time-old saying, “Trends come and go but style is forever.”
No one can argue with the fact that there’s a new fashion trend every two minutes (or so it feels like!) Trying to keep up with them all can quickly become exhausting, leaving you with no money and a bulging wardrobe.
Instead, lean into your own style and buy items that fit into your wardrobe.
Buy less clothing
This one may seem harsh, but it’s an easy way to be more eco-friendly. Do you wear every single item of clothing in your wardrobe?
Sometimes, people buy items and save them for special occasions, but once that occasion rolls around, they want something new. So the items never end up being worn.
Plus, if you have an outfit that you feel confident in, who says you can’t wear it twice? Your friends and family won’t care about your clothes, simply your presence being there is what truly matters.
Be conscious of what brands you support
It’s not all doom and gloom in the fashion industry! Some clothing brands recognise the problems being caused by their sector and are trying to make an impact by choosing sustainable fabrics and circular methods.
So, next time you’re out doing some shopping, keep an eye out for the following brands:
Lucy and Yak
Another sustainable brand to keep in mind? Well, us! Here at Make Waves, we offer natural deodorant and antiperspirant that have been produced extremely sustainably. We use 100% recycled plastic to create our applicators and capsules so we add nothing new to the Earth.
Support brands that are really making a difference and shop with us today!
Be mindful of materials
If you are going to buy something brand new, one way to do this sustainably is to consider what materials you choose. This is because some synthetic materials cause more harm to the environment than natural materials.
Some examples of these materials are:
Where possible, choose fabrics that are kinder to the environment as a way to be more sustainable in your everyday life.
Use reusable shopping bags
Everyone knows this now but, be honest, sometimes we all forget a reusable bag. It just happens!
If you are someone who often forgets to bring bags when out and about shopping, you can get bags that clip onto your wallet, belt, or handbag so you’ve always got at least one on your person.
Donate items rather than throwing away
Now we know how many items of clothing end up in landfills, maybe it’s time to consider donating any unwanted items to your local charity shop, clothing bank, or you can upload them to a second-hand site to earn some extra cash!
By donating your clothing, you are keeping it out of landfills and giving it an extra lease of life by letting someone else take it out for a spin.
Mend items that are broken
Rather than buying a replacement of your socks that have a hole in them or a t-shirt that’s ripped on the arm, you can take inspiration from our grandparents’ generation and mend the item!
Sure, you may need to brush up on your sewing skills but once you get the hang of it, you’ll save yourself so much money by simply mending an item rather than buying new.
SEWING 101 // Ultimate Beginners Guide
Upcycle your items
Upcycling has become a huge trend over the past few years and for good reason! It gives a new lease of life to items you were going to throw away.
For example, you could use old bedding to create cushion covers or T-shirts into cleaning cloths. There are a number of ways you can transform old clothing items into new, useful household essentials.
Especially with your new sewing skills, it’ll be a breeze!
Ways to be sustainable in your home
Insulate your home properly
We’ve all been shouted at by our dad to shut the door as we’re letting all the heating out. Well, he was on to something there!
The better insulated your house, the warmer it will be which means you won’t have to put your heating on as much. This not only saves you money but also means you use less energy which, as we’ve already established, is incredibly sustainable.
There are a number of different ways to reduce heat loss in your home, including:
Cavity wall installation
Draught proofing
Double- or triple-glazed windows
They may seem like big upfront costs but could save you hundreds in the long run.
Upgrade your boiler
Talking about big upfront costs… Unfortunately, upgrading your boiler really does help!
This is because newer boilers are more energy-efficient than older counterparts. The more energy-efficient they are, the less emissions they produce which obviously is better for the environment.
It may seem like a big deal, but with how often you use your boiler, this is one way to be sustainable in everyday life.
Switch to solar panels
Solar panels were all anyone could talk about a few years ago and for good reason! They are a renewable and low-carbon energy source that helps the planet and your pocket.
But we know what you’re thinking: There’s no way I could afford solar panels. If you find yourself in this situation, the government has numerous options, such as the Green Deal, which helps you make energy-saving improvements to your home.
Use cold water
We’ve all seen those adverts where it tells us to wash on cold, but how many of us actually do it? You may have heard your mum or grandma say that the water needs to be warm to get the dirt and germs out of your clothing but the advancements in washing detergents have changed this.
Not only is washing in cold water better for the planet, but it can actually protect your clothing as it reduces colour fading and potential shrinking. This can make your clothes last longer which is also beneficial for the environment.
A win-win for everyone!
Make your own cleaning products
You may think that this one feels like a chore, but you will probably have all the ingredients already in your cupboards! Some regular store cupboard cleaning essentials are:
Lemon juice
White vinegar
Baking soda
There are numerous benefits to making your own cleaning products but they are good for the environment as they are completely biodegradable, refillable, and low in toxicity.
How to be more sustainable at home? Get a Make Waves subscription!
Those are 30+ ways to be sustainable in everyday life. We understand that it may seem really overwhelming to make all of these sustainable changes all at once, but being sustainable is about making small, long-lasting changes. If we all do our bit, it will have a big impact on the planet.
Sustainability is an action, not just words. We don’t just say we’re doing our bit for the planet, we mean it. That’s why we created products that create no new waste and use 100% recycled plastic.
Our efforts were not only recognised but won the Marie Claire 2024 Sustainability Award! Judge Anuradha Chugh said:
“All aspects of the supply chain – upstream and downstream – are well designed to have minimum impact on the environment and maximum performance so that consumer habit change actually happens.
“[It has] transparent and well-evidenced sustainability commitments.”
With over 1,000 five-star reviews on Trustpilot, with Make Waves you’re not just making a sustainable change, you’ve got a product that works.
Shop our range of natural antiperspirant and deodorant today!
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